Hi, if you enter "%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\DragonfieldGame\Dragonfield" in the windows search, it should bring you to a folder.
Inside that folder should be a file called player.log or just player. If inside that file it says something like "unsupported shader" I am afraid your graphics card might be too old to run the game.
If you can not find something like that, you can upload the file somewhere and I can take a look at what might be causing it
Another thing you could try is to delete the files in the folder that you just opened, and also make sure you have extracted the game files using WinRar or 7Zip
I like your game it's fun and relaxing it helps me feel better when I'm depressed and stressed out :3 I have four suggestions: 1. Add more maps and weapons and game modes. 2. Add a setting where you can make the game more harder or easier I like a challenge =D 3. Add a setting where you can turn blood on and off and a setting where it keeps the blood from going away. 4. On the leader board make it so you can see the total kills from your team and the other side too. Thx for reading 🧡
Thanks for your nice comment, I am happy you enjoy the game! I am currently working on many more maps and weapons, and I am hoping to have at least another game mode when the Steam version releases. I have also added more difficulty options to the list of things I want to add. Blood will be adjustable too in the future. The kills on the scoreboard is an awesome idea I did not think of, I will also add it to my list. Thanks a lot!
This is a complaint about the Exclusive Full screen/Full screen Window/Window Options, they don't save. Whenever I switch Exclusive Full screen to the other 2 options and apply it, nothing happens- like, at all. When I exit the Options - Video, it reverts back to Exclusive Full screen. This is the same for resolution, except when I change it, it changes the border of the game itself, not the window. Again, this change doesn't save when I play. Please let me know if this is my computer or a bug in the game. I'm on Windows 10.
beautiful game I remember ravenfield because of the ragdoll physics and the teams and also chivalry and skyrim the only bad thing is the optimization, so my pc is not powerful but I think it will be better with an optimization but I know that this is an alpha and the game is going to evolve a lot and this game has a lot of future if it keeps getting updates I bet it will be fantastic and I liked the mechanics of the horses xd
Thank you! It was inspired by classic games such as Battlefield 1942 and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic or The Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I think you would like them a lot too!
I can't belive it, wow, this is everything I wanted since I played Mordhau and Ravenfield, Im literally so excited right now, and it already looks fantastic, thank you for doing this. I hope everything goes well with the development!
Hi, the game will release on Steam in a few months and I am hoping to get a Mac and Linux version working until then. There are some things I need to test regarding modding though and if it will work on these platforms, I hope it does!
unit classes for the game: Bogatyrs have 500 hp fights for Kievan Rus, there can only be 3 (pretend like in the cartoon THREE BOGATYRS)
black riders: 300 HP can only be 10 fights for the Holy Roman Empire and they have a fast horse to kill from the first hit
Welsh archers: fighting for Britain the arrow does not fall and also the arrow fly fast and deal 100 damage anywhere but have 80 hp 5 of these archers
Knight: Yes, a simple knight has 300 HP and also has armor that can only be penetrated by heavy weapons, but there are open places like eyes and groin (add sword stab to the game) 5
Scandinavian Berserkers: 250 HP just attack and swing axes non-stop
shooter Cho-ka-nu: 80 HP machine gunner but instead of a machine gun Crossbow reload 15 seconds firing time 6 seconds damage from each arrow 5 to any part of the body
There will be some form of armor in the future that increases hp and attack resistance, and there will also be axes like the berserker you suggested. You will also be able to customize each classes weapons, hp and spawn rate yourself so you can create any class you like!
as well as ideas for armor: the more heavy the armored armor will be (or will it?) And if the armor is not worn, then there will be no weight, but soldiers can even be beaten with their hands
as well as ideas for weapons: if the blade of the weapon is long and (or) durable (strength can be removed in the settings), then the udra will be slow and also the fashion help to develop all this
as well as ideas for referring to the ravenfield: you have a nickname Vincent13 and the creator of the ravenfield Steelraven7 and in the ravenfield there is an Easter egg, which can only be started at --: 07, --: 27 and --: 47 make it look like the reward will be the same and the reward will be the sword. BUT with the maximum attack speed and be able to kill with one blow, as well as the BroneVest of the traveler in time, and this will be on a map that is similar to the official cards from SteelRven7
and also remember these ideas I will delete this comment so that no one knows
WARNING: I used google translator and there may be errors in the text
here are the ideas:
1)add factions like :Holy Roman Empire,British Empire,France,China,Kievan Rus,Vikings
2) make each faction unique abilities, technologies and weapons, for example, China's Hwacha or Britain's Scandinavian and French ships that bombard the enemy's coast
3) Add Elephants to the game (maybe they were all used but I'm bad at stories) and pigs which can be set on fire and scare the elephants
4) add an easter egg to the game for revenfield type: the machine gun of which you can get by doing a whole quest
5) add the voice acting of the characters under the language of each faction, for example, as in Kievan Rus, the Russian language with obscenities (your fans will help in the voice acting and translation) and they will sound when, for example, they wounded or killed someone from the detachment
Hi, thanks for these suggestions they are really cool! I won't add different historical factions as the games setting is a medieval fantasy world. But it is totally possible to add new factions and outfits/armor later when modding comes to the game. Elephants I am not sure about yet, they are quite big and would not work on all maps, but it would certainly look really cool! And yes, there will be easter egg/secret weapons too but which ones is a surprise for now ;)
Hello dear developer. I have a problem with your game. The fact is that when i start the game it shows the Unity logo, and them the Unity error 2022.2.5f1_551d45108343 comes out. Help what you can. Thank you in advance.
Hi, I am sorry it doesn't work for you. I have seen this error happen on some computers that can't run the game because they are a little bit older. If you enter %userprofile%\appdata\locallow\DragonfieldGame\Dragonfield in the windows search there should be a Player.log file. If you use discord you can send it to me there, but I think you should also be able to post the error text here. If there is no such file I am afraid your computer could be too old to run it and I sadly can't fix it
As a kid who loves ravenfield more than me virginity, it is safe to say this game has lots of potential if marketed to the right community, which I believe is the ravenfield community. Ravenfield modders are very talented people, they have managed to add lots of things into the game but the one thing all have failed at is the addition of realistic sword fighting/melee combat. With mods, this game can achieve things way beyond ravenfield and this is the reason, I think this game has huge potential, played it for a few hours and absolutely loved it.
However, though it is great for a very early version of the game, there are very big issues that need improving, one of them is the fact that unlike fps games, bots in this game can equip both melee and ranged weaponry (and of those melee and ranged weapons, their uses vary greatly) therefore I believe a class system should be put in place to make it a more fun and realistic experience. Also, I find it strange that every soldier is either a knight or a archer, knights are elite soldiers, often mounted on horseback and very heavily armoured so they shouldn't be that common in a battle, archers are lightly armoured units very poorly trained in hand to hand combat but can unleash devastating volleys from behind friendly lines. (However, in battle archers behave more like soldiers, charging in with the huge amount of knights)
Classes will also allow certain weapons to be implemented more effectively, here's a rough example that I made for this game's bots
Health 100, uses sword/spear as those were cheap to make a readily avaliable in medieval times, they move in larger groups of 3 and attack/defend points to achieve strategic victories for their team.
Health 150, uses round shield and morning star/axe as these heavier weapons would deal much more damage in the hands of strong, battle hardened men, these men are also more resistant to damage than the soldier and will charge into battle kicking and brawling, they focus on dealing the most damage rather than capturing points.
Health 200, uses sword and shield with team coloured cross through it (like a coat of arms), knights usually fought on horseback so as many of them will spawn as the number of horses avaliable. They wore heavy armour and valued chivalry and fought for honour, so a shield with team coloured cross makes more sense. They are also highly skilled fighters.
Health 80, uses longbow as these were preferred for their range and accuracy, archers of the medieval period often didn't have any melee weapons and were very lightly armoured, so they would be easy targets if infantry were to smash into their ranks, as a ranged unit the damage they deal will be maximised if they work in a large group to unleash volleys and stayed behind the melee action (but just in range of their weapons).
Health 100, uses crossbow and will have slightly more armour than archers as these men were more valued (I saw crossbow tab in the weapons section as being empty so thought they will come soon). Crossbows dealt huge amounts of damage to cavalry in the medieval period, rendering most knights' armour nothing more than cardboard against their bolts. They will also fire into enemy ranks from distance (within the range of their weapons) and they will spawn less commonly than the archer.
Health 150, uses magic staff as they are magical/fantasy units, I saw the wands and staff tabs in the weapons section and they were empty, hinting that future updates would add them. Though I am still unsure how staffs and wands will work in this game, I have a few ideas, one is that they deal damage to enemy units using magical powers like summoning fireballs, icy winds or lightning bolts, or that they will be able to heal friendly units that are in range of them.
Many of the above weapons I have listed are not in the game right now, but I have noticed tabs for them so I included it in my suggestions,
Longbow- I really hope this will be added as the shortbow's range is absolutely dogshit, add a longbow with greater range and accuracy but nerf it so that the cooldown between each shot is longer (4 seconds)
Crossbow- Deals huge amounts of damage (200), capable of killing knights and beserkers in one well placed shot, however, very long cooldown time (reload speed 10 seconds) leaving the user vulnerable to fast moving infantry charging in and killing them with a few strokes of the sword.
Axe- Deals huge amounts of damage, easily killing an infantryman in two attacks or one heavy attack, however, it has a longer cooldown (2 seconds) and every swing takes much more time than swords and spears.
Staff- Can summon fireballs, icey winds, lightning bolts or continuously heal alies around you based on the type of staff you use.
Wand- Works that same way as a staff I guess?
Distinguishing between classes
The base skin for this game looks sick and should be kept standard for each class, however I believe that the helmet should be changed for each class so as to easily distinguish between them.
(I drew a diagram to show it more easily)
Some last comments
Important things to add would be slow motion, more settings, the ability to play on the red team and of course more game modes and maps.
Other than that, I'm excited to see what dragons will bring to the game and wish you the best of luck in your developing!
Wow I really appreciate your suggestion and how much work you put into it!
The class style you are suggesting is actually pretty much how it works in the background already. And I am also planning to give each class custom outfits, not just helmets even. You will also be able to customize which weapons each class is able to use as well as their health and how often they appear on each side. Mods will also be able to add new outfits/armor.
The special behaviors you suggested like moving in groups of 3 or focusing on killing rather than the objective I won't do for now, but there will certainly be updates to how they behave in the future.
A longbow and axes will also come to the game and the crossbow is just around the corner
I also have to say your drawing looks awesome, it is quite similar to what I have in mind visually for the helmets. You will see once they're in the game for the Steam early access version!
And of course, more settings, playing on the red team, new game modes and maps will come as well. Slow motion probably too
I wanted to come here and say that I absolutely love the game! Your description of the game over on Steam really describes the experience so well. I just love a great and fun experience that can be both casual or competitive if you so desire, and games like Battlefield, Unreal Tournament or even old Counter Strike back then could be fun all with bots!
It's a great mix between a game like Ravenfield and Chivalry, Mordhau and a few others of the same style. Ravenfield is great at it's core but I feel like this is already much more polished on it's default state, not to count on how great it will be til release and when modding becomes a thing! At this version I can already say it has an awesome animation set, great flow and realism on them and the whole mechanics just work well together and the graphics really look fantastic yet simple and minimalistic! The ragdolls for example really interact well with the environment, like when you kick down the siege ladders or hit them with your horse heh! I'm really excited to see more siege features later on, I know it's gonna be lots of fun.
I really wish you the best on the development of it, I may not be a game developer but I know how hard it is and understand it, even I have dabbled with some game engines from time to time just for fun so I know it's not as easy as 1 2 3.
I hope to see more updates soon! Take your time with it. As small as they can be it's fascinating to later on see how much the game has evolved with each version. Love from Portugal, I see great things in the future for this project! <3
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this, it made me smile a lot reading it! I will do my best to make the game as good as possible for once it releases! Thank you!
I am a huge Ravenfield fan. Have played probably every version of it and still play it every now and then with new mods. This is that with a completely different setting and I gotta say I love it!
When this even gets close to the modding community that Ravenfield has this will be a gem. So far the gameplay is solid. Visuals are ok, sounds are ok. Nothing to complain about, especially because these things are subject to change.
I mean looking back at all the mods I've tested with Ravenfield you can recreate this game in it. It kind of feels like a pretty well made mod for Ravenfield. But I hope that this turns out to be its own fully fledged game.
Thanks for your nice comment and feedback! I have to admit I didn't know about Ravenfield until a few months before releasing Alpha 1, so seeing that many similarities was very encouraging. I suppose we were inspired by the same games haha.
I will for sure focus on refining the gameplay, especially adding more variety. There is an awesome new weapon coming to Alpha 7 (which will also get a Steam demo) very soon! Sounds and visuals are also definitely on the list of things to improve on. Theres a LOT of things planned for the future, thats all I can say for now!
Oh yes, I have seen that happen too. I even know the reason and am doing some things to have it happen less often, but it still does. When a physics collision happens (an arrow hits a bot), I get a callback, and can then tell the bot he got hit for example. The problem is, the callback happens after the collision/physics calculations have finished, and sometimes with very fast moving objects, this means the arrow can move a little (or a lot in this image haha) before I can do anything. So the arrow actually hit the bots upper chest I suppose and got stuck, but before that it moved more than I would like it to. I really don't know how to fix this currently, but it is on the list of things I really want to change! Thanks for the feedback, I wasnt sure if this was happening to anyone else actually so that's really good to know
Haha I fixed that yesterday, I noticed it too, it will be gone in Alpha 6! This was for testing the new spawn point system for Alpha 5, its a big invisible cube lol.
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Is there a way to change your keybinds?
*cough* RavenField *cough* excuse me
I hope this game will have updates cuz its fricking awesome
also it looks kinda like Ravenfield but in Medival theme
Don't know if this is possible, but could you just include a .zip file? It would make downloads a lot easier. Thanks
Mods. Fast. Free. Game. Pls.
if released on steam, is it going to be paid? or still free
and also, workshop for mods?
bro i cant even install the game lol
go to steam
medieval ravenfield
this is great ravinfield got no melee
ravenfield does have a melee and a sword
But npcs are so bad at melee, even on hard
yeah facts
for some reason i can't install it help
go to steam
waiting more optimization settings and diff character models etc lols
the game keeps crashing whenever i launch, is there anyway i can fix it
Hi, if you enter "%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\DragonfieldGame\Dragonfield" in the windows search, it should bring you to a folder.
Inside that folder should be a file called player.log or just player. If inside that file it says something like "unsupported shader" I am afraid your graphics card might be too old to run the game.
If you can not find something like that, you can upload the file somewhere and I can take a look at what might be causing it
Another thing you could try is to delete the files in the folder that you just opened, and also make sure you have extracted the game files using WinRar or 7Zip
it is because of the graphics card, but other games work just fine
you will celebrate a 1 year since the creation of the game?
Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot! I posted a teaser for dragons here: https://vincentknight.itch.io/dragonfield/devlog/535954/1-year-anniversary-drago...
sick looking game! will try it out
Thank you!
what a greate game,wish you are still working on it
Thanks a lot, yes I am still working on it and preparing the Steam Early Access launch in September :))
I like your game it's fun and relaxing it helps me feel better when I'm depressed and stressed out :3 I have four suggestions: 1. Add more maps and weapons and game modes. 2. Add a setting where you can make the game more harder or easier I like a challenge =D 3. Add a setting where you can turn blood on and off and a setting where it keeps the blood from going away. 4. On the leader board make it so you can see the total kills from your team and the other side too. Thx for reading 🧡
Thanks for your nice comment, I am happy you enjoy the game! I am currently working on many more maps and weapons, and I am hoping to have at least another game mode when the Steam version releases. I have also added more difficulty options to the list of things I want to add. Blood will be adjustable too in the future. The kills on the scoreboard is an awesome idea I did not think of, I will also add it to my list. Thanks a lot!
This is a complaint about the Exclusive Full screen/Full screen Window/Window Options, they don't save. Whenever I switch Exclusive Full screen to the other 2 options and apply it, nothing happens- like, at all. When I exit the Options - Video, it reverts back to Exclusive Full screen. This is the same for resolution, except when I change it, it changes the border of the game itself, not the window. Again, this change doesn't save when I play. Please let me know if this is my computer or a bug in the game. I'm on Windows 10.
Oh I did not notice that, it must have broken with a recent engine update. I will fix it for Alpha 9, thanks!
beautiful game I remember ravenfield because of the ragdoll physics and the teams and also chivalry and skyrim the only bad thing is the optimization, so my pc is not powerful but I think it will be better with an optimization but I know that this is an alpha and the game is going to evolve a lot and this game has a lot of future if it keeps getting updates I bet it will be fantastic and I liked the mechanics of the horses xd
Thank you, I am happy you like it, yes I am focusing on improving the optimization for the next updates!
I really liked the game, can I ask how did you think of making such a cool action? I do not know English, I am your fan from Russia.
Thank you! It was inspired by classic games such as Battlefield 1942 and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic or The Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I think you would like them a lot too!
I can't belive it, wow, this is everything I wanted since I played Mordhau and Ravenfield, Im literally so excited right now, and it already looks fantastic, thank you for doing this. I hope everything goes well with the development!
Thank you so much for your comment, it made me very happy! Development is going really well and I am looking forward to releasing it on Steam soon!
I just released a small update fixing a bug with shields, if you have downloaded Alpha 8 today, redownload it to get the updated version.
Alright, thanks.
pls make mac version, i really wanna play it but cant
Hi, the game will release on Steam in a few months and I am hoping to get a Mac and Linux version working until then. There are some things I need to test regarding modding though and if it will work on these platforms, I hope it does!
ok thanks, great game though
unit classes for the game: Bogatyrs have 500 hp fights for Kievan Rus, there can only be 3 (pretend like in the cartoon THREE BOGATYRS)
black riders: 300 HP can only be 10 fights for the Holy Roman Empire and they have a fast horse to kill from the first hit
Welsh archers: fighting for Britain the arrow does not fall and also the arrow fly fast and deal 100 damage anywhere but have 80 hp 5 of these archers
Knight: Yes, a simple knight has 300 HP and also has armor that can only be penetrated by heavy weapons, but there are open places like eyes and groin (add sword stab to the game) 5
Scandinavian Berserkers: 250 HP just attack and swing axes non-stop
shooter Cho-ka-nu: 80 HP machine gunner but instead of a machine gun Crossbow reload 15 seconds firing time 6 seconds damage from each arrow 5 to any part of the body
There will be some form of armor in the future that increases hp and attack resistance, and there will also be axes like the berserker you suggested. You will also be able to customize each classes weapons, hp and spawn rate yourself so you can create any class you like!
as well as ideas for armor: the more heavy the armored armor will be (or will it?) And if the armor is not worn, then there will be no weight, but soldiers can even be beaten with their hands
as well as ideas for weapons: if the blade of the weapon is long and (or) durable (strength can be removed in the settings), then the udra will be slow and also the fashion help to develop all this
as well as ideas for referring to the ravenfield: you have a nickname Vincent13 and the creator of the ravenfield Steelraven7 and in the ravenfield there is an Easter egg, which can only be started at --: 07, --: 27 and --: 47 make it look like the reward will be the same and the reward will be the sword. BUT with the maximum attack speed and be able to kill with one blow, as well as the BroneVest of the traveler in time, and this will be on a map that is similar to the official cards from SteelRven7
and also remember these ideas I will delete this comment so that no one knows
WARNING: I used google translator and there may be errors in the text
here are the ideas:
1)add factions like :Holy Roman Empire,British Empire,France,China,Kievan Rus,Vikings
2) make each faction unique abilities, technologies and weapons, for example, China's Hwacha or Britain's Scandinavian and French ships that bombard the enemy's coast
3) Add Elephants to the game (maybe they were all used but I'm bad at stories) and pigs which can be set on fire and scare the elephants
4) add an easter egg to the game for revenfield type: the machine gun of which you can get by doing a whole quest
5) add the voice acting of the characters under the language of each faction, for example, as in Kievan Rus, the Russian language with obscenities (your fans will help in the voice acting and translation) and they will sound when, for example, they wounded or killed someone from the detachment
6) add a squad mode like in Revenfield
Hi, thanks for these suggestions they are really cool! I won't add different historical factions as the games setting is a medieval fantasy world. But it is totally possible to add new factions and outfits/armor later when modding comes to the game. Elephants I am not sure about yet, they are quite big and would not work on all maps, but it would certainly look really cool! And yes, there will be easter egg/secret weapons too but which ones is a surprise for now ;)
damn lol thats cool
Hello dear developer. I have a problem with your game. The fact is that when i start the game it shows the Unity logo, and them the Unity error 2022.2.5f1_551d45108343 comes out. Help what you can. Thank you in advance.
Hi, I am sorry it doesn't work for you. I have seen this error happen on some computers that can't run the game because they are a little bit older. If you enter %userprofile%\appdata\locallow\DragonfieldGame\Dragonfield in the windows search there should be a Player.log file. If you use discord you can send it to me there, but I think you should also be able to post the error text here. If there is no such file I am afraid your computer could be too old to run it and I sadly can't fix it
does this game have controller support?
Hi, not right now but it will get full controller support in the future, likely in time for the Steam early access release :))
An overly long suggestion
As a kid who loves ravenfield more than me virginity, it is safe to say this game has lots of potential if marketed to the right community, which I believe is the ravenfield community. Ravenfield modders are very talented people, they have managed to add lots of things into the game but the one thing all have failed at is the addition of realistic sword fighting/melee combat. With mods, this game can achieve things way beyond ravenfield and this is the reason, I think this game has huge potential, played it for a few hours and absolutely loved it.
However, though it is great for a very early version of the game, there are very big issues that need improving, one of them is the fact that unlike fps games, bots in this game can equip both melee and ranged weaponry (and of those melee and ranged weapons, their uses vary greatly) therefore I believe a class system should be put in place to make it a more fun and realistic experience. Also, I find it strange that every soldier is either a knight or a archer, knights are elite soldiers, often mounted on horseback and very heavily armoured so they shouldn't be that common in a battle, archers are lightly armoured units very poorly trained in hand to hand combat but can unleash devastating volleys from behind friendly lines. (However, in battle archers behave more like soldiers, charging in with the huge amount of knights)
Classes will also allow certain weapons to be implemented more effectively, here's a rough example that I made for this game's bots
Health 100, uses sword/spear as those were cheap to make a readily avaliable in medieval times, they move in larger groups of 3 and attack/defend points to achieve strategic victories for their team.
Health 150, uses round shield and morning star/axe as these heavier weapons would deal much more damage in the hands of strong, battle hardened men, these men are also more resistant to damage than the soldier and will charge into battle kicking and brawling, they focus on dealing the most damage rather than capturing points.
Health 200, uses sword and shield with team coloured cross through it (like a coat of arms), knights usually fought on horseback so as many of them will spawn as the number of horses avaliable. They wore heavy armour and valued chivalry and fought for honour, so a shield with team coloured cross makes more sense. They are also highly skilled fighters.
Health 80, uses longbow as these were preferred for their range and accuracy, archers of the medieval period often didn't have any melee weapons and were very lightly armoured, so they would be easy targets if infantry were to smash into their ranks, as a ranged unit the damage they deal will be maximised if they work in a large group to unleash volleys and stayed behind the melee action (but just in range of their weapons).
Health 100, uses crossbow and will have slightly more armour than archers as these men were more valued (I saw crossbow tab in the weapons section as being empty so thought they will come soon). Crossbows dealt huge amounts of damage to cavalry in the medieval period, rendering most knights' armour nothing more than cardboard against their bolts. They will also fire into enemy ranks from distance (within the range of their weapons) and they will spawn less commonly than the archer.
Health 150, uses magic staff as they are magical/fantasy units, I saw the wands and staff tabs in the weapons section and they were empty, hinting that future updates would add them. Though I am still unsure how staffs and wands will work in this game, I have a few ideas, one is that they deal damage to enemy units using magical powers like summoning fireballs, icy winds or lightning bolts, or that they will be able to heal friendly units that are in range of them.
Many of the above weapons I have listed are not in the game right now, but I have noticed tabs for them so I included it in my suggestions,
Longbow- I really hope this will be added as the shortbow's range is absolutely dogshit, add a longbow with greater range and accuracy but nerf it so that the cooldown between each shot is longer (4 seconds)
Crossbow- Deals huge amounts of damage (200), capable of killing knights and beserkers in one well placed shot, however, very long cooldown time (reload speed 10 seconds) leaving the user vulnerable to fast moving infantry charging in and killing them with a few strokes of the sword.
Axe- Deals huge amounts of damage, easily killing an infantryman in two attacks or one heavy attack, however, it has a longer cooldown (2 seconds) and every swing takes much more time than swords and spears.
Staff- Can summon fireballs, icey winds, lightning bolts or continuously heal alies around you based on the type of staff you use.
Wand- Works that same way as a staff I guess?
Distinguishing between classes
The base skin for this game looks sick and should be kept standard for each class, however I believe that the helmet should be changed for each class so as to easily distinguish between them.
(I drew a diagram to show it more easily)
Some last comments
Important things to add would be slow motion, more settings, the ability to play on the red team and of course more game modes and maps.
Other than that, I'm excited to see what dragons will bring to the game and wish you the best of luck in your developing!
Wow I really appreciate your suggestion and how much work you put into it!
The class style you are suggesting is actually pretty much how it works in the background already. And I am also planning to give each class custom outfits, not just helmets even. You will also be able to customize which weapons each class is able to use as well as their health and how often they appear on each side. Mods will also be able to add new outfits/armor.
The special behaviors you suggested like moving in groups of 3 or focusing on killing rather than the objective I won't do for now, but there will certainly be updates to how they behave in the future.
A longbow and axes will also come to the game and the crossbow is just around the corner
I also have to say your drawing looks awesome, it is quite similar to what I have in mind visually for the helmets. You will see once they're in the game for the Steam early access version!
And of course, more settings, playing on the red team, new game modes and maps will come as well. Slow motion probably too
Thank you!
Wow! I agree with some of this, but some other things I just don't think may be very good.
so maybe you could make a fire arrow by drawing the bow then pointing/aiming the tip into a fuel source and then a fire? deals extra damage
(im sry i still can't play this, great game tho)
and also maybe a boiling water system, scalds enemies trying to break down a gate
I've been thinking about letting you light arrows at fires too, maybe I will add it in the future. Boiling water would be interesting too!
Ik another Archery game. It's online. It has an itch.io page too.
I wanted to come here and say that I absolutely love the game! Your description of the game over on Steam really describes the experience so well. I just love a great and fun experience that can be both casual or competitive if you so desire, and games like Battlefield, Unreal Tournament or even old Counter Strike back then could be fun all with bots!
It's a great mix between a game like Ravenfield and Chivalry, Mordhau and a few others of the same style. Ravenfield is great at it's core but I feel like this is already much more polished on it's default state, not to count on how great it will be til release and when modding becomes a thing! At this version I can already say it has an awesome animation set, great flow and realism on them and the whole mechanics just work well together and the graphics really look fantastic yet simple and minimalistic! The ragdolls for example really interact well with the environment, like when you kick down the siege ladders or hit them with your horse heh! I'm really excited to see more siege features later on, I know it's gonna be lots of fun.
I really wish you the best on the development of it, I may not be a game developer but I know how hard it is and understand it, even I have dabbled with some game engines from time to time just for fun so I know it's not as easy as 1 2 3.
I hope to see more updates soon! Take your time with it. As small as they can be it's fascinating to later on see how much the game has evolved with each version. Love from Portugal, I see great things in the future for this project! <3
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this, it made me smile a lot reading it! I will do my best to make the game as good as possible for once it releases! Thank you!
Like it ! Its like ravenfield , but more like mordhau or chivalry. And i like this kind of games ! So thanks for game and wish you happy development
Thank you, I am happy you like it!
Do you mind making web export? I'll play it if ya do.
I'd like to but it's not possible for technical reasons sadly
oh ok
How do you extract it?
Hi, You can use either WinRar or 7Zip to extract them, press right click and then extract here.
thank you
I am a huge Ravenfield fan. Have played probably every version of it and still play it every now and then with new mods. This is that with a completely different setting and I gotta say I love it!
When this even gets close to the modding community that Ravenfield has this will be a gem. So far the gameplay is solid. Visuals are ok, sounds are ok. Nothing to complain about, especially because these things are subject to change.
I mean looking back at all the mods I've tested with Ravenfield you can recreate this game in it. It kind of feels like a pretty well made mod for Ravenfield. But I hope that this turns out to be its own fully fledged game.
Keep it up!
Thanks for your nice comment and feedback! I have to admit I didn't know about Ravenfield until a few months before releasing Alpha 1, so seeing that many similarities was very encouraging. I suppose we were inspired by the same games haha.
I will for sure focus on refining the gameplay, especially adding more variety. There is an awesome new weapon coming to Alpha 7 (which will also get a Steam demo) very soon! Sounds and visuals are also definitely on the list of things to improve on. Theres a LOT of things planned for the future, thats all I can say for now!
Thanks again!
Most fun I've had
its a lot like ravenfield just without gun
Sir, how is that arrow stuck in your air?!
For some reason, the arrow got stuck in him and followed him around, even though it was stuck in air. That shouldn't have had collision :I
Oh yes, I have seen that happen too. I even know the reason and am doing some things to have it happen less often, but it still does. When a physics collision happens (an arrow hits a bot), I get a callback, and can then tell the bot he got hit for example. The problem is, the callback happens after the collision/physics calculations have finished, and sometimes with very fast moving objects, this means the arrow can move a little (or a lot in this image haha) before I can do anything. So the arrow actually hit the bots upper chest I suppose and got stuck, but before that it moved more than I would like it to. I really don't know how to fix this currently, but it is on the list of things I really want to change! Thanks for the feedback, I wasnt sure if this was happening to anyone else actually so that's really good to know
ah, ok. Thanks for the explanation!
Hey Vincent, i came across a bug where my arrows hit an invisible object in the sky. I think this may be a bug
Haha I fixed that yesterday, I noticed it too, it will be gone in Alpha 6! This was for testing the new spawn point system for Alpha 5, its a big invisible cube lol.
lol, that's nice.